ROSS (Resident Opportunities & Self-Sufficiency) Program
Adult and youth residents in conventional Public Housing work with the ROSS Coordinator to set employment, education and career planning, financial planning and more goals and work toward economic self-sufficiency.
Who is Eligible: All public housing residents who dream of economic independence are eligible and invited to participate in the ROSS Program. The ROSS Coordinator, Tracy Ouellette, works with public housing residents to assess individual needs and coordinate available resources in the community to meet those needs. This program is led specifically by the individual participating and enables families to increase earned income, make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency, or help improve living conditions to enable elderly and disable residents to age-in-place.
If you are interested in more information, reach out to Tracy at 207-554-4381 or, or fill out a referral form and drop it off at 58 Birch Street.
ROSS Program Referral Form
Housing Navigator
The housing navigator plays an important role in addressing the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. Housing navigators are an important link between clients and services; working directly with clients and alongside service providers to address housing needs. Housing navigators develop relationships with, and between clients and community partners and ultimately with housing professionals and landlords. They assist clients with identifying and eliminating potential housing barriers.
If you are or if you know someone experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, please contact our Housing Navigator, Kathy at (207)768-8231 or fill out this intake form and return it to us at 58 Birch Street, Presque Isle.
Housing Navigator Services Intake Form