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Housing Choice Vouchers

Program Summary

Our Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program provides rental assistance to income-eligible tenants by subsidizing a portion of their monthly rent and utilities and paying it directly to their landlords. Where utilities are not included in rent, the program may pay a larger portion of the rent so that the tenant is able to cover utility payments.

The assistance provided is the difference between what the tenant pays toward rent (generally 30 - 40% of the household’s adjusted gross income) and the cost of the rent.

This program helps more than 3,800 low-income households each month.


Household income restrictions apply and vary by location and family size.

When awarding vouchers, we give priority to Maine people who are homeless.

You may be denied a voucher as a result of criminal activity, alcohol abuse, or other reasons. Vouchers may also be denied if you owe money to Presque Isle Housing Authority or another housing authority, unless you have entered into and are complying with a repayment agreement.

A housing choice voucher can be used for any type of private rental housing that meets certain housing quality inspection standards, provided the owner accepts you as a tenant. Landlords retain normal management rights and responsibilities, including tenant selection, collecting the tenant’s share of the rent, property management, and lease termination.

Becoming a Section 8 Landlord

Presque Isle Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher program (typically referred to as “Section 8” ) provides housing assistance payments on behalf of qualified renters to over 50 landlords in the region. This HCV program provides direct cash subsidies to landlords of rental properties in exchange for a promise to rent to people with low incomes and a promise to meet Housing Quality Standards which will be certified by Presque Isle Housing Authority inspectors. Area landlords benefit from this program by having a reliable pool of tenants and assurance that Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) will be paid on-time every month. To learn how to become a landlord who participates in the program, call our HCV program office at (207) 768-8321, or email us at

There are a variety of ways landlords benefit from our Housing Choice Voucher program:

  1. On-time and convenient payments:
    Receive rent from HUD every single month via direct deposit into your bank account between the 1st and the 8th of the month.
  2. Protection from tenant’s financial hardships:
    If a tenant’s income decreases, an unsubsidized tenant would normally have a difficult time paying the rent and could face eviction for nonpayment. If a tenant is a voucher holder, the housing authority pays the majority (if not all) of the rent.
  3. Free access to a pool of potential tenants and low-cost marketing:
    With, landlords can list properties and review tenant profiles. For a small fee, landlords are able to do a premium listing to get more attention on their property when tenants are searching. Landlords can also list free by submitting postings to PHA. Some landlords think that the HCV applicant pool was unlikely to have internet access to review profiles, but that isn’t the case and PHA also provides paper listings in the offices for those without internet access.
  4. Short Vacancies:
    PHA has a list of HCV participants with vouchers who are seeking housing. Filling a vacancy is a relatively quick process once your property has already been inspected and approved for the program.
  5. Long-term Tenants:
    Many HCV tenants, after being approved for the program and after finding a place to rent, tend to stay put for a while. Additionally, when the initial lease is signed, it must be for 1 year.

To learn more about HCV Programs and Procedures, including forms, frequently asked questions, and sample contracts click here.